The evaluation of oocyte quality in an IVF laboratory is based on cumulus-oocyte complex appearance and, after denudation, on the morphological evaluation of both intra- and extra-cytoplasmic features. Oocyte quality has been suggested as associated with embryo developmental competence and with the establishment and maintenance of a healthy pregnancy. Clearly, both nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation shall be completed successfully for an oocyte to be correctly fertilized, develop to blastocyst, and implant. Yet, according to the latest evidence, all morphological criteria, except for oocyte size (giant oocytes), shall be considered insufficient to provide enough predictive power on oocyte developmental competence. Blastocyst culture per se, especially when associated with chromosomal testing, is the most relevant approach to outline embryo reproductive competence. In the future, -omic technologies, once properly validated, might be integrated with morphological analyses to build a more efficient platform aimed at assessing oocyte/embryo viability.