Perennial plants with bulbs, rhizomes, bulbotubers, and thickened roots that grow in warm and temperate regions. The stem is scapiform, and the basal leaves are linear or elliptical. The flowers are of type 3, hermaphroditic, and actinomorphic or zygomorphic. At the base of the flowers, there are hypsophylls. The flowers have 6 petaloid tepals in 2 verticils, either free or united. In some species, a coronule (paracorolla) is present between the inner whorl of tepals and the androecium, which can be free at the base or fused into a tube. The androecium consists of 6 stamens (3+3), and the gynoecium is tricarpellary and trilocular, with the ovary located inferiorly, exhibiting central, rarely parietal, placentation, and anatropous ovules arranged in two rows in each locule. The fruit is a loculicidal capsule or berry. The seeds are rounded or flat, with or without appendages. 1 4