Although predominantly woody plants (trees or shrubs) are classified in this botanical family, in Romania, the family is represented solely by herbaceous species. The leaves are simple, entire, feature interpetiolar stipules, and are arranged in opposite-decussate pairs. When the stipules resemble leaves due to their positioning between leaf petioles, they create the impression of verticils of 4–9 leaves at nodes. The flowers, grouped in cymose or racemose inflorescences, have a 4- or 5-parted perianth and can be hermaphroditic or unisexual, as well as actinomorphic or zygomorphic. The floral envelope consists of a dialysepalous calyx (which may occasionally be absent or rudimentary), and the corolla is gamopetalous, tubular, or infundibuliform. The androecium comprises stamens inserted alternately on the petals and having the same number as them. The flowers possess a nectariferous disc with 2 lobes or tubular form. The gynoecium is inferior (rarely superior or semi-inferior), bicarpellate, bilocular, containing 1–2 or more ovules. The fruit is a dicaryopsis, rarely a drupe, capsule, or berry. The seeds have a secondary endosperm. 1 - 4