Annual herbaceous or woody plants (shrubs, subshrubs) with simple, linear, sublanceolate or acicular, glabrous leaves, with entire margins, not stipulate, arranged alternately or opposite. The flowers are generally hermaphroditic and actinomorphic, with a 4-parted arrangement, solitary or in racemose inflorescences (raceme, spike, umbel). The floral envelope is inserted on the edge of a tubular-campanulate receptacle, often with reduced or absent petals (in the plants that grow in Romania, the floral envelope is simple, with an androecium of 8 stamens in two whorls, and an inferior gynoecium). The flowers have the axis transformed into a campanulate, cylindrical, or urceolate hypanthium. The fruit is a drupe, berry, or capsule. The seeds have a thin and hard seed coat, a straight embryo, and fleshy and thick cotyledons. Among the approximately 500 species, encompassing around 50 genera of this family, there are five species found in our country belonging to two genera (Daphne and Thymelaea). 1 - 3