In this family, herbaceous species (rarely woody) are grouped, spread all over the Globe. The species of the Violaceae family that grow in Romania are herbaceous, perennial, belonging to a single genus (Viola L.). The plants have simple leaves, petiolate, and are arranged alternately. The leaf blade has a dentate margin. The leaves have stipules. The flowers are solitary, rarely grouped in inflorescences, of type 5, hermaphroditic, and generally zigomorphic. The floral envelope consists of a persistent dialisepal calyx, with appendices at the base, and a corolla with unequal, free petals, with the inferior petal having a straight, swollen, or thin spur, pointing upwards. The androecium has stamens with short filaments, adnate anthers, and connectives with apical appendices, while the two inferior stamens have nectariferous spurs inserted into the spur of the inferior petal. The gynoecium is tricarpellary, superior, and the ovary is unilocular, continuing with a curved style. The fruit is a loculicidal capsule, with numerous seeds with elaiosomes. 1 - 3