This article discusses the fuel dispensing system and how a user might make use of RFID technology in today’s fuel consumption. The suggested approach guarantees that the fueling procedure is simple and safe. The method employs a fuel bank card, similar to our existing debit cards, which the client may scan in the bunk and, if they haven’t hit their monthly limit, the refilling will be successful; otherwise, an error notice will be delivered to the customer’s cell phone. It has a passive tag and an ELA816B RFID reader.

The term “RFID” stands for “Radio Frequency Identification.” In this research, the RFID system is a microcontroller-based technology that decreases mankind’s power and accurately distributes fuel amounts. It is to implement the task sequentially with the assistance of RFID technology in RFID Based Petrol Pump, which lowers the Labour of people. Through this project, we will be able to realize our vision of a digital petrol pump station, which will provide customers with protection and security when filling up their tanks at gas stations. Because this project does not involve workers, it reduces the risk of carrying money and the fear of money theft at stations.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology It may be produced and utilise in a variety of settings; it is adaptable, dependable, and inexpensive. The consumer exchanges the cards and the amount is shown at the petrol pump, which features a smart card write/reader.

Both the software and hardware designs are included in the technology. The ELA816B RFID development kit with passive tags was utilise to construct the fuel identification system.

In the automated petrol pump the customer has to enter the quantity of petrol that is to be filled in the keypad. Instead of barcode technology. we can have the major advantage of being scanning the objects from a far distance.