The world of science and technology is moving toward one scientific regeneration over another. Green engineering and green chemistry are the utmost needs of the progress of human civilization today. A deep introspection into the field of carbon nanotubes, nanomaterials, and engineered nanomaterials will surely open up new doors of scientific innovation and scientific instinct in the field of both nanotechnology and green sustainability in decades to come. Environmental degradation, loss of ecological biodiversity, and frequent environmental catastrophes are urging the scientific community to gear forward toward newer challenges and newer vision. Carbon nanotubes and carbon-based nanomaterials have been found to be highly effective in environmental remediation. The author in this treatise targets with vast scientific vision and scientific ardor the needs of nanotechnology applications in human society. This treatise delineates with vision and scientific alacrity the recent advances in carbon nanotubes applications in environmental protection. Green nanotechnology is the coin word of scientific research pursuit globally today. A deep scientific comprehension in the field of green engineering, nanotechnology, and environmental remediation will open new doors of innovation and scientific profundity in global research and development

initiatives. These issues are deeply validated with vision and lucidity in this treatise.