Integration of wind power to the transmission system in the Barmer region of Rajasthan is continuously increasing, and the transmission system is fully loaded. The renewable energy (RE) power is integrated into the 400 kV grid substation (GSS) Barmer. Further, the RE power is also integrated at 400 kV GSS Akal and 400 kV GSS Jaisalmer-II, and these GSSs are connected to the 400 kV GSS Barmer through 400 kV transmission lines. During the time of peak generation of the RE power, power flows from these two 400 kV GSSs towards 400 kV GSS Barmer. Hence, there is urgent requirement to provide an alternative path for evacuation of power from the 400 kV GSS Barmer to the load centres. A snapshot of the power map of the Barmer region is shown in Figure 10.1 . It is observed that in the region around 220 kV GSS Dhorimanna, there is a heavy load centre and existing transmission elements in the region are fully loaded. Hence, the evacuation of the RE power from the 400 kV GSS Barmer to the Dhorimanna region through alternative transmission lines would help to mitigate the evacuation constraints. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to investigate the proposal for the creation of a new 220 kV GSS in the Dhorimanna region with suitable 220 kV interconnections so that load requirements of the region may be met by the use of RE power from the 400 kV GSS Barmer. This can be achieved by investigating the new proposals through the load flow studies and by testing these options through short circuit studies.

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AU: Can we change the spelling of “Dhorimanna” to “Dhorimana”? Please clarify.