In the past few decades, the world has experienced the transformation of the power industry from a monopolistic nature to a competitive nature, and electricity has been treated as a commodity and traded in different electricity markets worldwide. The deregulated power industry has several participants in the market, aiming to maximize their benefits by buying and selling energy. Due to an increase in the load demand, limited transmission line capacity and inclination towards cheaper rates, there is congestion in the transmission line. The intense congestion in the network puts power system security and reliability at high risk. Moreover, the acute competition among generation companies and open access of transmission network also increase the possibility of occurrence of congestion in the network. The increasing congestion problem causes deviation in the electricity prices. This congestion management issue requires utmost care by the system operator. The chapter presents a comprehensive review of congestion management approaches. The rescheduling of generators, optimal placement of FACTS devices, sensitivity-based approach, auction-based approach and the impact of renewable resources on congestion management are discussed in detail.