Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many governments across the globe including India declared restrictions on movement of population by announcement of lockdown as a precaution to prevent spread of virus. COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions have created many issues such as fear of losing job, closed businesses, not able to meet family members or loved ones trapped in other countries or cities due to travel ban, salary cut/deductions, no social life (closed restaurants, pubs, hotels) as well unavailability of alcoholic beverages. This has impacted on psychological behavior and mental health of many.

A number of symptoms of depression as well cues of ill mental health are visible in the general population. Concerned issues of population in India are fear of job security, fear of COVID-19 (corona) infection, fear of economic instability and recession, anxiety, stress along with other problems caused by COVID-19 pandemic. In this research work, depression cues are analyzed from the data collected by online survey. This survey was conducted in lockdown period (May 2020). Questionnaire of survey was based on instructions in generalized anxiety disorder scale (GAD-7) tool along with questionnaire from patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9). The objective of this research is to identify the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on emotion and behavioral depressing indicators.