Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder indicated by elevated levels of blood glucose. The complexity and comorbidities of diabetes require multi-dimensional systemic interventions. Ayurveda understands diabetes as a condition manifested as excess and turbid urination (prameha) rising from multiple etiological factors such as genetics, improper food habits and sedentary lifestyles. Therefore, Ayurveda management of prameha aims at identifying and correcting the root causes by holistic approaches through multi-component therapeutics, dietary interventions, and lifestyle modifications. Ayurveda gives a lot of emphasis on food-based management in addition to specific drug formulations. Many of the herbal preparations prescribed for prameha management are having base from the culinary practices. Hence, understanding the importance and ayurvedic rationale of using these botanicals could lead to a novel approach in the management of diabetes. In this chapter, we discuss 10 such herbals, that are ingredients of both Ayurveda formulations and food recipes.