Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) today are recognized in research and developmental sectors in several fields, like verbal exchange, farming, crop monitoring, smart fitness, logistics, and agriculture investigation and monitoring systems. In agricultural construction, the Internet of Things (IoT) plays an important role in inspecting the crops situation to enhance the agricultural accuracy with abundant sensors. All the sensor nodes are positioned in the land to increase production of crops over smooth agricultural adoptions and to obtain the data of concerned plants. Here we propose a swarm-optimization technique using the Internet of Things initially; the nodes receive all the information and data and choose secure cluster heads. Furthermore, for efficient data transmission, calculations use signal-to-noise ratio. Furthermore, at the time of data communication, security provides the help of the encryption technique. The results prove that the proposed method using an efficient and secured IoT-based agriculture wireless wensor network with swarm optimization gives better results compared with existing PSO methods.