This section of the research identifies the challenges and opportunities that may arise as a result of emerging autonomous vehicle (AV) advancements. AV innovations have the potential to reduce transportation costs while also increasing accessibility to low-income families and people with mobility issues. This emerging technology also has far-reaching applications and suggestions that go beyond any current assumption. This part gives a thorough audit of significant writing and investigates a wide range of issues, from well-being to machine morals. To this end, we propose an applied model dependent on an armada of AVS that is halfway dispatched over an organisation looking for framework advancement. This examination adds to the writing; it endeavours to reveal insight into future freedoms as well as possible obstacles related to AV innovation. The Web of Things has monstrous applications that can be utilised for the security of humanity. Because of new age innovation and assets, we will now be able to create things that were once the domain of an odd creative mind. There are days when one can sit at home and do their work with no problems or stress, other than using their phone. They can dispatch the merchandise starting with one spot, then onto the next by sitting in their home securely, no matter how far the objective is. The visuals of the street can be seen so the driver can screen the vehicle from home. Alongside the camera, ultrasonic sensors are associated with the front and back of the truck with the goal of estimating the distance between the vehicles. An Android application is created, which is utilised to control the development of the truck. It also shows the distance between the vehicles.