Women's safety and security in India are widely discussed. Now safety and security have become a serious problem. The rate is shooting up. Women aren't safe in either homes or outside. These fears cannot stop them from any group action. There are laws, but there must be adequate security measures to strictly follow to prevent violence against women. A woman should forgo the concept that she can't do anything when she leaves the house. We have to admit that she also stepped on the moon. Violence, sexual abuse, and murder are common kinds of violence against women in India. Violence is on the increase in India. Some 70% of women are victims of violence. These incidents result in depression and suicide. Women are one of the most valuable assets of our country long history as an empire. Unfortunately, crimes against women have increased dramatically. The safety of women and women educators is encouraging direct support with the help of advanced technology. There have been a few sad incidents reported in the media about the reckless behavior of certain schools and places related to the safety of girls who teach and work with women during trips to or from university or where they work. These events have raised serious concerns about the safety of the children of teachers and the women they work with. This proposed work aims to create a tracking system for them and reduce the oldsters' concerns about the security and safety of young women. This proposed a women's safety model with smartphones that offer the option to track the status. This proposed work is being carried out to provide technology-based protection for women who will facilitate adult special care. The use of the sensors causes the system to send alerts to oldsters and system servers. Meanwhile, users can create a fence process that aims to create a virtual fence feature that allows parents to monitor their baby child. The Android app will be upgraded to view women's locations using the geo-fencing method.