Arctic mountains are always been important in the geomorphological studies as the region is characterized by the lowest sediment fluxes, even though it is characterized by a large sediment store and a favorable topography for the sediment transportation. The coastal geomorphology of Svalbard is dominated by Coastal cliffs, spit-barrier lagoons, deltas, flats and raised beaches. Wind, rain or/and wave action in coastal areas erode the soft rocks, resulting in the formation of cliffs that belongs to hard rock remnants of the shore lithology. Arctic regions are important in the geomorphological studies as the region is characterized by the lowest sediment fluxes. However, this region has large sediment storage and a favorable topography for the sediment transportation. Kongsfjorden and Krossfjorden are dominated by tidewater glaciers: Lilliehookbreen at the head of Krossfjorden (Lilliehookfjorden) and five other calving glaciers along its eastern coast.