Landscapes are heterogeneous landmass characterized by diverse ecosystems representing the forest, grasslands, agriculture, aquatic, and urban settings. Understanding the complex interaction between landscape pattern and process is essential for sustainable management of land resources to ensure a continuous supply of multiple ecosystems like food, water quality, wood, climate regulation, pollination of the crop, etc. In this research work, various datasets such as LANDSAT- TM 4-5, and LANDSAT-8 have been used to generate the land use/land cover maps to monitor urban growth’s impact on landscape dynamics and natural resources in Bilaspur, Chat-tisgarh, India. The built-up area of Bilaspur between 1990 and 2020 is increasing due to the migration of people from rural regions mainly for jobs, education, or to maintain the living standard. Changes in the built-up area are a severe problem. It is also challenging to manage the natural resources appropriately.