The plant growth regulator (PGR) is group of chemicals that influence growth and cell division of plants. They are produced naturally by plants or can be artificially synthesized which are needed in small quantities at low concentration. Grapes are propagated through seeds, grafts as well as stem cuttings. To ensure true to type plants, cuttings are preferred. Time of application of PGR is very important to get required results. A number of growth regulators were found to increase berry set in grapes, Predominant among them are 4-CPA. 4-CPA was tried as a substitute to girdling to improve berry set in Black Corinth grapes. The induction of male sterility can help to get rid of the tedious practice of emasculations in tiny grape flowers, thereby permitting production of large hybrid seed progenies with little effort. Selection of PGR in relation to their mode of action and stage of application is very important in increasing the berry weight in grapes.