Litchi is the most important fruit of Sapindaceae family. It is originated in the Southern region of China and has become widely distributed in the tropic and subtropics. Litchi can be multiplied sexually but owing to disadvantages of seedling plants, it is chiefly propagated through vegetative means. The use of plant growth regulators especially indole-3-butyric acid, naphthalene acetic acid, and so on have been advocated for accelerating rooting in litchi. Kumar examined that different litchi cultivars show variations in their flowering and bearing habits, may accordingly be classified as regular, irregular, shy bearing and so on. Litchi bears the flowers mainly staminate, hermaphrodite and pseudo-hermaphrodite. Seedless fruit, botanically termed parthenocarpic, do not have any seeds because the ovary is not fertilized. These types of fruit are rare in commercial varieties. The phenomenon of heavy fruit drop is typical to litchi and other fruit trees that produce a very large number of pistil-bearing flowers, such as mango.