Phalsa is a subtropical fruit belonging to family Tiliaceae and is a native of South Asia. Phalsa cuttings are difficult to root and only 20% of semi-hardwood cuttings from spring flush treated with 1000 ppm NAA and planted in July rooted and grew normally. Treatment with auxins improved rooting in difficult-to-root hardwood cuttings of phalsa, ground layers and air layers. Ground layering and air-layering have been tried in phalsa by some workers. Randhawa obtained 80 per cent success through ground layering using seradix-L-30. Sharma obtained fairly high percentage of success in stooling of phalsa. Application of growth substances has proved effective in increasing the fruit set and yield in phalsa. Phalsa plant starts fruiting after 15 to 18 months of planting but good yield is obtained only after three years of planting. Flowering commences in February-March and continues for almost one month. Although phalsa flowers are hermaphrodite but cross pollination is essential for better fruit set.