Strawberry is a non-climacteric fruit, but it is very high rate respiration can attributed to the rapid postharvest deterioration. Now-a-days, use of plant growth regulator in strawberry for increasing production and improvement in the quality of the fruit has been recognized as one of the essential production practices. The growth regulators are considered imminent as they influence the ripening, maturity indices and quality of the fruits. Strawberry is perhaps the first fruit crop in which micro-propagation technique has been standardized. Obviously, the regulation of flowering in strawberry is a complex process that is intertwined with the regulation of vegetative growth including axillary bud differentiation, as well as other developmental processes occurring during the annual life cycle. The strawberry inflorescence peduncle is a modified stem terminated by the primary flower. Endogenous hormones play an important role in the growth and development of strawberry roots.