Aonla, the Indian gooseberry has emerged as one of the important minor fruits of India owing to its nutritive, medicinal values and suitability for processing of diversified value added products. It is the rich source of vitamin ‘C’ among fruits and ranks second after Barbados cherry. The use of plant growth regulators in modern fruit culture is well established, more particularly in aonla industrially where its application has been used for breaking seed dormancy to rooting of cuttings and micro-propagation. The fruit of aonla is fleshy and drupaceous and the seeds are found within the hardened endocarp of the fruit known as stone. Micro-propagation is the technique of in vitro multiplication of large number of plants from its any part. The concept of totipotency is the basis for micropropagation. Micro-propagation is used for the production and multiplication of large number of novel plants, which are genetically similar and disease free.