The recurrence of multiple abiotic stresses (MASs) in various global regimes has disrupted the lifespan of crop plants. A number of multiple or combined stresses such as extreme temperatures, salinity, sodicity, alkalinity, and extreme or scarce precipitations have patronized crop productivity and are inevitably persistent. Burgeoning efforts have been made by the researchers as well as climate engineers to cope with such climatic hazards but abruptly shifting weather patterns and global warming has made it entirely impossible to develop the new genres of crop plants on immediate bases. Seed priming is a shotgun approach that gives an early start to the plants under abiotic stresses. This chapter focuses on each minutiae detail of the multiple or combined abiotic stress mechanism and mesmerizing vista of tolerance induced via seed priming in crop plants at the molecular level. Understanding the languishing seeds on a diminutive level against abiotic stresses is not a low-key event, many researchers have paid attention to its various other aspects separately. There are various de facto and demurring events in primed seeds that could be helpful to cope with multiple stresses and have been neglected in the past. The complex cellular and molecular cadre of seeds or crop plants has to deal with the invasion of multiplying adversative field conditions, in this way various biochemical, physiological, and metabolic pathways with the intricate role of genes and enzymes provide a better insight into the bedrocks beneath such molecular cascades.