The enzymes present in these microorganisms may have some advantages, such as stability over a wide range of pH and temperature and tolerance to high pressure and high salt concentrations. Terpenoids are organic compounds derived from C5 isoprene units that are normally joined together in a head-to-tail condensation. Flavonoids are organic compounds formed by three rings with a basic structural skeleton of the diphenylpropane type. Polyketides are a class of natural products normally formed from the condensation of methylmalonyl-CoA, propanoyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA units by the action of polyketide synthase enzymes. From the research carried out in databases for the development of this work, it can be concluded that there is still a small number of studies in the literature describing the biotransformation of natural products by marine-derived organisms, revealing the potential yet to be explored in this area of research.