The medical consultation is the most important part of our work and represents the first moment of contact with the patient. At this stage, the patient feels vulnerable, and listening carefully to them is a way to understand who they are and how they see and feel about themselves. An unexpected event, which may occur, regards patients undergoing an aesthetic procedure and resulting in a dissatisfied outcome. In this circumstance, often patients focus their unhappy consideration onto defined facial areas, for example, jowls or periorbital area, thus asking surgeons to provide a better-suited revision. Patients may be also dissatisfied in terms of outcome beyond the removal of isolated flaws, despite the successful action of hyaluronic acid fillers. As a great deal of facial expression, i.e., happiness, sadness, fear, anger, fatigue and so on, do exist, these ones can be grouped and classified to match them with aesthetic approaches and finally improve the aesthetic techniques.