In a day-to-day practice, the pretreatment assessment is crucial to avoid possible adverse effects of the filler treatment. Patients can present with various cutaneous conditions affecting the nose and perinasal skin. Some of the conditions, e.g., active rosacea, can deteriorate the skin barrier function even a few weeks after apparent clearing, significantly increasing the risk of complications. Demodex folliculorum is a saprophytic mite that inhabits sebaceous follicles and can be found in the normal skin in almost all adults. Nevertheless, increased density of Demodex mites in patients with rosacea has been reported in multiple studies. Computed tomography (CT) is an advanced, noninvasive imaging technique used to acquire detailed internal images of the body. CT scanners use a rotating x-ray tube and a row of detectors to estimate x-ray attenuations by different tissues. The CT scan is frequently used to diagnose nose disorders and evaluate the anatomical structure before performing medical procedures.