Recent statistics estimated that treatment with botulinum toxin is probably the most performed in aesthetic medicine, only followed by hyaluronic acid fillers. An increasing demand for enhancing one’s own aesthetic appearance has triggered the demand for botulinum injections around the world. The several concerns that people feel about their looks, due to the globalized concept of how to appear healthy, young and appealing made botulinum use rapidly increase in both developed countries and developing ones. The increase in life expectancy has moved the awareness that cosmetic medicine can actually help people in regaining their youthful appearance, and worldwide the population of elderly people is growing, a circumstance that is enhancing the market demand for botulinum. In the European Union, the botulinum market has been valued at 4.9 billion USD in 2020; a forecast projection is expecting the botulinum market to reach 9,360.2 million USD by 2029, this increasing by a CAGR of 7.56%.