The Sundarbans is the largest UNESCO world lineage site and a crucial wetland region of concern. The Sundarbans is the greatest tidal forest in this planet, covering about 10,000 km2 in the Northern Bay of Bengal. Before anything else, it can be considered that the complete tract of mangrove swamp forestland is a very important natural environment of plants and animals. Mangrove vegetation of Sundarbans shows high productiveness as well as diverse type of ecosystem. They also contribute so many ecosystem services to riverine communities. The Sundarbans encompasses a group of compact, small depressed islands in the Ganga-Brahmaputra Meghna River delta. Mangrove forests of Sundarbans have the capacity to reconcile with rising sea level, grab runoff from soil disintegration that leads a prime role for augmentation of coastal areas and are obviously remarkable ‘blue carbon’ sink. The tree mass along with its various species decreases the entry of water and builds a characteristic buffer zone against floods and storm surges. The magnitude and the health of Sundarbans mangroves have 186reduced due to destruction of forests, utilization of lands, anthropological infiltrations including tourism and farming. Experts correlate these changes to this Amphan’s devastation. Actually, mangroves over India keep going to diminish due to the infrastructural establishments, urbanization, and conversion of agricultural land, the people of the country’s coastal and offshore will only suffer even most severely. So, in order to facilitate the conservation of mangrove forest, the application of inventive, reliable, and impartial conservative approaches is the need of the hour.