Marine microorganisms possess unique metabolic and physiological features and are an important source of new bio-molecules, such as biosurfactants. Recent reports show marine microorganisms as a source of rhamnolipid production. Twigg et al. reported two rhamnolipids produced by marine bacteria. Congener producers of rhamnolipids produced mono- and di-rhamnolipids; however, there was a preference for the synthesis of di-rhamnolipids. The application of strategy led to the isolation of a new mono-rhamnolipid, four already known monorhamnolipids, and a lipidic fraction of one of the rhamnolipids, which consists of two fatty acid fragments. The technique can check the interactions between hydrogens and carbons to a bond; that is, it shows that hydrogens are directly attached to each carbon atom present in the molecules. For marine rhamnolipids, the bioprocess factors can be enhanced by the production of specific sources using optimization studies, as well as the combination of bioprocess parameters.