The symptoms of tuberculosis vary depending on where the bacteria are developing in the body. In the case of pulmonary tuberculosis, symptoms may include a persistent cough, chest discomfort, hemoptysis, weakness or weariness, weight loss, fever, and night sweats. The risk of tuberculosis infection is determined by various factors, including the infectiousness of the source case, the proximity of contact, the bacillary load inhaled, and the prospective host’s immunological condition. To control tuberculosis, various drugs have been reported and these drugs have a different modes of action. Mycobacterium tuberculosis has a unique cell envelope structure and composition, containing peptidoglycan, mycolic acid, and arabinogalactan. Plant-based drugs have been used worldwide and approximately 60% of the world’s population still relies on medicinal plants for their healthcare. Directly or indirectly, more than 25% of modern drugs and 60% of total anti-cancer drugs, are derived from plant secondary metabolites.