Presently, major advancements in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT) are being made with respect to increasing data speed. But when an end device is to be developed there are other factors to be considered. One such factor is the range of data transfer. However, for long-range data transfer, there is an option of using the cellular network. But providing wireless cellular modems and data service for many sensors spread over a large area would become cost inhibitive and power consumption will also be high. For the above-mentioned reasons, this chapter presents the implementation of a low-power solution that provides a long distant data transfer with an appreciable data rate using LoRa (Long Range). Using LoRa, it is possible to transmit data wirelessly up to 15km. It also focuses on low power consumption, making it ideal for battery-powered devices. Using LoRa gateway, it is possible to bridge LoRa network with any kind of network. The implementation monitors the air quality, water quality and other parameters for smart agriculture by using a single LoRa gateway to connect to the various sensors connected with the LoRa shields placed at various regions of an agricultural field. By dividing the field into several sectors and placing a LoRa shield interfaced with the sensors in each sector, the data of all the sectors is taken to the cloud and the data can be monitored. Using the data, the values of the parameters are checked and if any parameter is found to be inappropriate, a suitable measure is taken by automation of the correction process.