Augmented Reality (AR) might be an immediate or roundabout live perspective on a true domain whose parts are enlarge by PC-produced tactile information such as video, sound, GPS info, or designs. Augmented reality is allowing organizations to grow by giving genuine encounters to the buyers. Utilizing propelled filtering advances to make ultra-excellent 3D models. These 3D models’ uses are expanded into virtual and blended reality encounters. Restaurants have lots of time to interact with their customers. In step with this chapter, the typical wait time per customer is 23 min; however, nearly a third of all customers are waiting for 30 min. Due to the issue in creating food, long wait time, the challenge of adopting a new selection of dishes and the emergence of increased competition within the food and cordial reception business, the demand for app development companies is also increasing drastically. When the customer orders a dish, they do not have any management over the waiting time and there are no options to explore and verify the look and feel of dishes described by the waiters. To beat these difficulties, this chapter proposes a solution to boost the standard and sales of restaurants such as engaging the customer's potential time with augmented interactions to promote sales.