Town buses are one of the most economical and widely used modes of transport. Knowing which bus to take and knowing the bus route are integral parts of the bus journey. Infrequent users find it difficult and hectic to find the right bus and frequent users find it difficult to get the right buses for the routes less traveled. Even if the right buses are known the bus schedules are unknown resulting in wasted time and confusion. This project will help people to find the right bus to hop onto. The project application can be divided into two main modules. First is the app module (functioning from smartphones) and the second is the hardware module (functioning from the bus). The application will have four modules. First is the login page which is like any other login page where the user can enter the required credentials. Second is the location pin sub-module where the user pins their source and destination location for which they need the bus details. Third is the live status sharing and alert sub-module. The passengers can share their live travel status with people on their contact list whenever necessary. The alert sub-module helps the passenger get in touch with a nearby police station if they sense any form of danger.