The Dongbulage Mo-Pb-Zn deposit is located in Xi Ujimqin county, Inner Mongolia. In this paper, on the basis of microscopic investigation of the mineral assemblages and fluid inclusion petrology, Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectrum (SEM-EDS) were employed in identification of the ore minerals and the solid phases of fluid inclusions. The results showed that silver minerals exist in the form of natural silver which mainly coexists with silicate minerals and apatite. The daughter minerals of fluid inclusions mainly include halite, sylvite, calcite and fine columnar ferric salt. With the progress of mineralization, the ore-forming fluid gradually changes from oxidation to reduction. Phase separation (or boiling) occurs before the hydrothermal solution is captured. This process will inevitably lead to the increase of salinity of ore-forming hydrothermal solution.