Taking the soil around coal gangue in Fengfeng Mining Area as the research object, the forms and contents of Cu, Hg, Cr, As, and Pb were extracted and determined by Tessier five-step extraction method; the spatial distribution of heavy metal speciation and bioactivity coefficient were analyzed. The results showed that: first, the effective content of heavy metals was most easily absorbed by plants and had the largest migration capacity. Second, the available states of the five heavy metals in soil decreased significantly with increase in distance. Third, the effective state content of Cu reached the maximum value of 2.36, 3.07, 6.30, and 2.55mg/kg at 20 meters away from the gangue hill. The effective content of Hg reaches the maximum value of 2.29, 3.33, 5.37, and 2.30mg/kg at 20 meters away from the gangue hill. The effective content of Cr reaches the maximum value of 2.24, 5.35, 6.27, and 3.35mg/kg at 20 meters away from the gangue hill. The effective state content of As reaches the maximum value of 0.13, 0.51, 0.55, and 0.29mg/kg at 20 meters away from the gangue hill. The effective state content of Pb reaches the maximum value of 0.35, 0.66, 0.99, and 0.48mg/kg at 20 meters away from the gangue hill.