Eco-roofs mitigate the negative effects of pollution by employing vegetation in the roofs which reduce the runoff, sustain the water quality by different means and provide ample time for clean water harvesting. Eco rooftops mean to develop vegetation on the roofs, which helps to mitigate extreme weather conditions and save energy, provide foods, water, and greenery. This review includes a distributed examination on how eco rooftops can help relieve contamination of water, how green rooftop materials impact the various parameter of runoff, and recommends future exploration bearings. The conversation focuses on how green rooftops build and impact the surrounding entities, carbon sequestration, the water nature of stormwater spillover. Ideas for upcoming headings to investi- gation incorporate vegetation choice, urban agriculture, advancement of substrates, the nature of the eco-roof overland flow, the supplemental water system, the utilization of graywater, the air contamination, impacts 60on human wellbeing, and consolidating green rooftops with integrally related advancements, financial issues, and development issues.