Water is the crucial element on the earth for the survival of living beings. Unfortunately, its demand is increasing and supply is decreasing day by day leaving the gap very wide. The widening of gap between supply and demand of water leads to the present burning issue, i.e., “water scarcity.” Water scarcity is the major problem facing by the world today. As there are difficulties involved in the determination of water quality parameters, water quantity estimation and management are given more importance rather than water quality management in the present system. The world is 80facing a water quality crisis due to increased population growth coupled with industrialization, urbanization, agricultural activities, increased living standards, etc. Nowadays water quality management has become very critical in many countries. Proper monitoring of contaminants in the water bodies coupled with the use of water quality models which will predict the parameters of future water quality may furnish the foremost option. Ultimately, the main goal of wastewater management is to remove the contaminants from wastewater and to facilitate protection without causing any damage to the human health and the environment. Hence, this chapter presents some wastewater treatment technologies and currently available water quality models which support water quality management.