The skin is one of the most essential organs in the physical body, since it protects internal organs and detects cutaneous impulses, among other things. Artificial, or better still, electronic skin (e-skin) may be a difficult objective to achieve due to its complexity, requiring several different and complementary study fields. Nonetheless, there are many and very important application areas: Humanoids and industrial robots, artificial prosthetics, and biomedical instruments. Despite the fact that it does a tremendous amount of labor, the skin is an often ignored organ. Human skin is sensitive and open to a variety of stimuli. At the same time, it is tough enough to withstand bruising and wounds while still being able to recover in a short amount of time. The difficulty with so-called electronic skin, or e-skin, is to include all of those characteristics. A comprehensive strategy is often used to successfully combat the growth of electronic skin. Starting with the definition of the system specification, the mechanical arrangement of the skin must be designed and fabricated alongside the electronic embedded system to move toward aspects such as tactile processing algorithms and, as a result, the channel interface. The e-skin must be flexible and stretchy, for example to 164accommodate joint motions, and tactile input must be processed in real time inside the system control loop. With sensors that monitor pressure, temperature , humidity, and air movement, this artificial skin may one day resemble actual skin in some ways, but in others, it may be even superior.