Surface transport is the backbone of transportation and plays an important role in the development of the society. The industrialization and urbanization is the prime cause of the increase in the number of the vehicles. In recent decays, the numbers are rapid. The utilization of surface transport is done for transport of goods and materials by trains, trucks, and heavy vehicles, whereas the public transport is carried out with train, bus, car, and light vehicles like bikes or two-wheelers. Road accidents and delays due to congested traffic are two negative factors associated with road or surface transports apart from the pollution issue. According to the statics, there is a loss of 15 lakhs of human life and 50 lakhs seriously injured personal become handicapped, which is a huge loss in terms of human value. So traffic management is the biggest issue in urban and industrial areas. The transport delay can be reduced with good infrastructure and good road conditions for transport. With the advantage of technology, this can be reduced to the minimum. 200The IoT platforms allow developing a driver assistance system, which can help the driver to find the free and shortest route. The traffic density can be accessed from the local traffic station via cloud technology. High-speed continuous communication can be achieved by a 5G network. The routes can be identified from the source to the destination place with the help of Google map or a similar platform and estimate time to reach so that the driver should not into the rush or speedy driving mode to avoid the accident.