Wireless body area network (WBAN) has played an important role in healthcare applications in recent decades. In healthcare applications, the internet of things has a huge impact on getting medical data to the appropriate systems. In a wireless body area network, security and energy consumption are the most critical considerations. While transferring the patient health records, there is a possibility of third-party access and it leads to false communication . Due to the smaller size of medical sensor devices, there is a possibility of high energy consumption in wireless body area networks. To address these concerns, a new Clustered based security and energy-efficient (CSEE) routing protocol was proposed. The use of clustering techniques helps to alleviate security and energy consumption issues. The five wearable medical sensor devices such as EEG, Oximeter, EMG, Vision, and blood pressure sensor and two different controller central nodes are placed on the human 254 body. The acquired medical data will be sent over Bluetooth to the personal device assistant. The same information will be sent to other devices via the Internet of Things. Simulation results analyzed the performance of proposed and existing techniques in an IoT-based WBAN environment. The proposed Clustered based security and energy-efficient (CSEE) routing protocol improves the delivery rate, throughput, and minimizes drop rate, energy consumption, and end-to-end delay when compared to the existing technique.