Mitochondria perform a vast range of tasks including physiological as well as metabolic during both biotic and abiotic stresses. They may be directly affected by physicochemical restrictions, and they are frequently implicated in responses to challenges of environment and their essential involvement in cell feeding, respiration, energy balancing, and biosynthesis. Mitochondria from plant cells have a number of biochemical characteristics, such as cyanide-insensitive alternate respiration, and their activity must be coordinated with that of the plastids in addition to integration with the ubiquitous eukaryotic compartments. Furthermore, given sessile lifestyle of plants, relative protection, and challenges due to present climate change, we can assume the plant cell as a suitable model for responses to current environmental stresses. Mitochondria possess a complicated signaling network being involved in 338this response. The mechanism has yet to be studied as very large number of mitochondrial components are involved in stress signaling pathways. This chapter describes the relationship between mitochondrial electron transport chain and the mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation during stress.