Solar energy is an inexhaustible renewable energy source that is derived from the sun. Non-renewable energy sources can be replaced by solar energy to meet energy demand. Solar energy research and applications have advanced significantly over the generations. To make solar cells more economical and effective, researchers have prioritized increasing solar cell efficiency. Even with advances in science and technology, solar power generation remains relatively expensive. The primary reason for this issue is the poor energy conversion efficiency of solar cells. With the discovery and development of luminous materials in recent years, solar cells now have a new path. Synthesized luminescent materials can be used to reduce losses in the solar-cell-based energy conversion process. In this chapter, we have discussed various synthesis methods which are useful for the development of luminescent materials. In this chapter we put special emphasis on the development of lanthanide-based up-conversion, quantum cutting and down-shifting materials, and discuss the progress made in their development. Furthermore, the technical challenges faced in the development of luminescent materials and the possible development of solar cells in the near future are discussed.