In this era, electrochemical energy storage technology is moving towards an energy storage device which exhibits properties like high energy density, power density, and excellent cyclic stability. In other words, the energy storage device should contain the characteristics of both battery and supercapacitor. Thus, a hybrid device has been fabricated by merging the battery type with a supercapacitor to respond to the issue. To keep up with the speed of this technology, condensed information about the supercapattery has been discussed in this chapter. This includes the basic working mechanism of the supercapacitor. On top of this, a brief guide on how to design it and the common materials used in the manufacturing of a supercapattery have been included. After fabricating a device, it is essential to know how to use it, according to its performance. Therefore, several formulas and basic calculations of certain parameters when the supercapattery is inserted in a circuit have been illustrated and explained.