Water is considered the most important life-giving source and indispensable for the endurance of all living beings. Dyes are used in most aspects of daily life, citing the painting of textiles, paper, and leather. Water pollution, especially with heavy metals, has emerged as a worldwide concern due to its numerous damaging effects on health and the environment. Several studies revealed that silver, gold, and magnetic nanoparticle-based adsorbents have shown outstanding performances in the extraction of heavy metals from wastewater. The outstanding performance of zero iron in the removal of heavy metals from wastewater is significantly influenced by its high reduction capacity and wide specific surface area. Numerous studies have demonstrated that factors such as particle size, surface chemistry, solubility, and shape are crucial in evaluating potential dangers and exposure from inhaled nanoparticles. The out-of-control growth of the world population leads to the continual growth of industrial, textile, pharmaceutical, and agricultural activities, resulting in the widespread use of contaminated wastewater.