In vitro tests are gaining popularity worldwide in drug discovery and pharmacological research. In vitro testing allows us to test toxicity and efficacy, and validate the genetic differences that can cause sensitivity. Although they cannot be used as a substitute for animal models, they can be used as an adjunct to animal studies. They provide biochemical, morphological, and molecular information regarding the biocompatibility and toxicity of materials used in different medical applications. In vitro tests stimulate biological reactions in the cells they are in contact with. They allow control over the growth conditions of cells and make it easy to manipulate and assess metabolism. This makes it possible to test the conditions that cannot be done in in vivo conditions. These in vitro methods can be robust alternatives to using animals to evaluate materials in medical applications. In vitro methods are fast and can reduce the resources required and increase the efficacy of the evaluation of materials. Thus, in vitro tests make it possible to answer many questions that were not answerable due to constraints in whole animal or human studies.