Clothing simulation is used in a variety of contexts, including games, computer films, and the design industry. Current cloth animation techniques give a realistic animated effect but may suffer from computational load and be time-consuming. To speed up the processing, the proposed study investigated parallel programming mechanisms to offer a well-defined adaptive mesh refinement approach that yielded a high efficiency and acceptable reality. To solve the numerical calculations of motion associated with the physical system, the current study employs Newton’s second law, verlet integration method, and constraint enforcement. To visualize the cloth’s behavior, the study also uses the collision handling and detection technique to collide a sphere with a cloth. Frame rates are assessed on cloth meshes with particle resolutions of 20 × 20, 30 × 30, 40 × 40, 50 × 50, 60 × 60, and 70 × 70 for each version of the sequential and parallel CPU implementations. In comparison with the CPU, OpenMP has proved to have a significant increase in performance on high-level parallel modules.