According to worldwide statistics, more than 322 million people are currently living with depression. The problem of depression is often not taken seriously even by the people who are suffering from it and also by their families, relatives and friends. As a result, the problem gets overlooked. In developing countries, almost 75% of people suffering with mental disorders don't receive treatment, or even if they receive treatment, they don't get it at the right time. Due to this, almost 1 million lives are lost every year. This problem clearly shows that there is a lack of infrastructure for early detection of psychological disorders and accordingly to provide proper guidance and assistance to the distressed people so that they can get out of it. So, to solve this problem, we propose a system that will first detect the presence of any mental disorder in a person. If a disorder is detected, then the system will identify from which type of mental disorder the concerned person is suffering and then accordingly provide assistance/guidance to the person. We will use natural language processing (NLP) and other deep learning techniques to solve this problem.