Melioidosis can involve every organ system of our body. The most commonly involved organs are the lungs, spleen, and liver. Kidney, prostate, pancreas, and central nervous system involvement are increasingly reported, and the prevalence varies between geographical areas. Abscesses in various internal organs may present with poorly localizing signs and symptoms. Accurate site of pain localization becomes difficult in patients with sepsis, respiratory failure, or altered sensorium. The imaging findings are non-specific and can mimic other bacterial infections. Patients often have a sub-clinical infection, indolent disease course, and delayed presentation to the hospital. The involvement of various organs may be overlooked. Radiological imaging identifies the sites of tissue involvement and infection, its extent, involvement of other adjacent and remote organs, and follow-up. It also guides diagnostic aspiration from internal organs or small soft-tissue abscesses and therapeutic drainage in larger abscesses. These investigations include X-ray, computed tomography scan (CT scan), ultrasonography (USG), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). They are also very useful for assessing the extent of involvement and follow-up after treatment.