Cancer is a disease that occurs due to the abnormal growth of cells or tissue in the human body. The disease is one of the significant reasons for death in the world, and many costs are associated with cancer treatment. The most cancer fatalities in women are due to breast cancer, cervical cancer, and oral cancer. Of the three, cervical cancers are less discussed, and due to the slow rate of spread of this cancer, much less attention is given to it. Cervical cancer is caused due to human papillomavirus (HPV) that turns dangerous for human life. All HPV does not result in the conversion of cancer; sometimes it turns into infection, and sometimes it turns into cancerous lesions. Thus cervical cancer screening is to be done at regular intervals during the life span of women. Screening methods also depend on the status of healthcare amenities in the country. Countries with low and middle income use colposcope screening methods, while countries with good healthcare infrastructure use pap smears as the primary test for cervical cancer screening. In this chapter, we discuss different screening types and equipment used in screening in detail. Real-life practicing instruments used are studied depending upon their acceptance in the medical field and the devices that were available in the public domain until 2020.