Contemporary agriculture faces numerous difficulties, such as the growing demand for food caused by the world’s surging population, climate fluctuations, depletion of natural resources, changes in eating habits, and concerns regarding health and safety. Weather plays a crucial role in agriculture and has significant consequences in terms of variances in nutrient dynamics due to crop growth, development, and yield, the occurrence of pests and diseases, water scarcity, and the timely application of water and fertilizer, as well as the efficiency of preventative and cultural measures applied to crops [1]. Climate change can cause physical damage to crops and can also degrade soil quality. The quality of crop production depends on the planting season and is different depending on the region. During inclement weather, poor storage and transportation can affect the viability of seed and planting material, hence resulting in a reduction in crop yield. To tackle the challenges faced by the agricultural sector and the increasing demands placed upon it, there is a pressing need to enhance the efficiency of agricultural practices while simultaneously minimizing their environmental impact. This has led to the development of precision agriculture, which aims to optimize farming methods by focusing on these two crucial factors. There are various reasons for applying precision agriculture to agri-business and farming at the local scale. In this current reality where the Internet of Things (IoT) is accelerating the reception of information and robotization, basic occupations and social opportunities, like agriculture, can certainly witness progress. The advancement of farming techniques has significant potential to promote sustainability, maximize productivity, and ensure a safe environment. Smart farming, which aims to address growing demands, is generally founded on four main pillars: (a) efficient management of natural resources, (b) preservation of ecosystems, (c) appropriate service development, and(d) utilization of modern technologies.