Organizations have shown a strong interest in exploiting information technology to gain a competitive advantage in recent years. Expert systems is one of the areas where corporations are investigating the potential benefits of information technology. Expert systems are pre-programmed systems with a knowledge base full of information that humans can utilize to make decisions on a given subject. Expert systems, in reality, are computer programs that imitate a specialist’s reasoning in a certain field. An expert system is a branch of artificial intelligence that attempts to provide specialization services in addition to professionals by gathering specialty knowledge and expert information in a certain sector. Because of the rapid development of Internet technology, the way expert systems may be produced and delivered has been altered. The purpose of an expert system is to replicate expertise and disseminate expert knowledge to non-experts. Using the Internet can considerably improve this. This was a non-systematic review research. Using the Scopus database, the literature on expert systems and their use in management was searched. In the title, keywords, abstract, and full text search sections, we used the following keywords and their combinations: expert system, decision making, management decisions, artificial intelligence, and information technology. We omitted technical reports because our focus is on scientific papers.